Since 2019, all of our products are presented with authentication codes in order to distinguish original products from counterfeit products easily.

Please enter your code below:
Please enter the green or the golden code in the field above and get a confirmation directly from us before using the products that you have in hand.

Counterfeit Warning !
Through last years we have received many calls and messages from customers in Netherland, Germany and Britain, that some anabolic products are being sold under the name of our company’s brand, “Alpha Genetics”.
Any similar products to ones that are shown in the below images are not produced by our company, thus we cannot approve any of them.

*Please beware that we follow protocols of NOT selling online in our website or in any online shop.
With a little pay of attention, it is obvious that the logo seen on the package and containers of these products are not the same as the logo of our company, and we believe that the similarity in the brand name of these products and our brand name is not just a coincidence, but it is on an intention.
These days “Name theft” is one of the most common scams that are used by underground-labs in the counterfeit market. These producers use the credit of a brand by choosing the brand name of a genuine company that has a website, and then they put that brand name on their labels and packages.
To find out if it is just a similarity in our brand names, our colleagues have tried to contact the producers of the shown products, but they have not found any trace of their contact information, online and not even on their products packages.