Alpha-Tren H™
Anabolic rate:
Androgenic rate:

Product description
Packing content :
10 ml colorless glass vial with white flip off cap
Vial’s content :
Oil based solution, formulated for multi-dosing
Product dosages available:
Trenbolone HHBC: 100mg/mL
Trenbolone HHBC: 50mg/mL
Trenbolone HHBC (Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate)
The Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester used here extends the release of trenbolone for more than 2 weeks, which has always been thought of as more suitable for human use due to the less frequent injection schedule. The base steroid trenbolone is roughly five times more androgenic and anabolic than testosterone. The muscle building effect of trenbolone is often compared to such popular bulking agents as testosterone or methandrostenolone(Dianabol®), but without the same estrogen related side effects. It is most commonly identified as a lean mass building drug, and is extremely popular with athletes for its ability to promote the rapid buildup of strength, muscle size, and definition.
The most common side-effects reported by Trenbolone users are: Aggression and temper Night Sweats Decreased cardio endurance Dark colored urine Loss of hair, where there is no genetic predisposition for it Inability to reach a climax during intercourse, or sometimes total impotence Gynecomastia has been reported in rare cases Coughing spells or shortness of breath following an injection. Also known as “tren cough”
IM inj. 14 Days