Anabolic rate:
Androgenic rate:

Product description
Packing content :
10 ml colorless glass vial with white flip off cap
Vial’s content :
Oil based solution, formulated for multi-dosing
Product dosages available:
Methylnortestosterone Acetate: 50mg/mL
Methylnortestosterone Acetate: 25mg/mL
MENT, short for methylnortestosterone (acetate), is a synthetic anabolic steroid derive from nandrolone. The “methyl” in the name, which is commonly associated with C-17 alpha alkylated androgens, is referring to a modification at C-7. This gives MENT a considerably different appearance to C-17 alpha alkylated anabolic androgens, especially in reduction of side effects.
General steroid potency is usually increased with 7-methylation, when methylation increases steroid potency. Unlike C-17 alpha alkylated agents, which are resistant to hepatic metabolism, MENT has a relatively fast metabolic breakdown but no binding to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). Therefore, reduced binding to serum proteins seems to be partly responsible for making MENT a more potent steroid. On an investigation in primates, the result shown that MENT has 10 times more anabolic potency than testosterone, with only 2 times the stimulatory action on the prostate. Its relative androgen receptor binding affinity investigated and provided further explanation for the strong anabolic effect of this steroid. The results shown that MENT binds the androgen receptor more strongly than testosterone, nandrolone, or dihydrotestosterone.
MENT is a potent steroid, so an effective dose for bodybuilders is going to be small, this would mean shot of roughly 10-20 mg every two to three days. Some might find good effect at 10 mg daily or above, although high doses will likely amplify potential side effects, and are not recommended.
MENT should stack well with variety of different steroids, possibly for bulking and cutting phases of training depending on individual sensitivity to its estrogenic and progestational properties. For simplicity, this might mean using it with drugs like testosterone cypionate or enanthate, methandienone or oxymetholone when looking for sheer size, milder anabolics like nandrolone decanoate or boldenone undecylenate for lean mass, non-aromatizable drugs like methenolone enanthate, stanozolol or drostanolone while cutting.
**NOTE: Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration. Warming and shaking the vial should re-dissolve any crystals that may have formed during storage at temperatures lower than recommended. **