Anabolic rate:
Androgenic rate:

Product description
Packing content :
10 ml colorless glass vial with white flip off cap
Vial’s content :
10mL of oil based solution containing 50 milligrams of Methenolone Enanthate and 150 milligrams of Testosterone Cypionate in each milliliter, formulated for multi-dose intramuscular injections.
Product dosages available:
Methenolone Enanthate: 50 mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate: 150 mg/mL
Usually, sometimes the time is not that long enough between cycles to perform a right post-cycle therapy for professional contest bodybuilders. So here Alpha-OC is designed due to this necessity to maintain the muscle gains from the last cycle in the off period. The compounds in Alpha-KEEP™ can prevent muscle loss without water retention and annihilation of muscle definition.
Methenolone has a huge advantage over most steroids, as it’s stronger than testosterone at binding to the androgen receptor. As with most dihydrotestosterone (DHT) related AAS, it’s a good aid for fat loss. In addition, Methenolone doesn’t aromatize, so you won’t need an aromatase inhibitor (AI) or SERM with it. Interesting fact, Methenolone enanthate was tested by old-school bodybuilders as gynecomastia (gyno) treatment back in the 70s and 80s. As strange as it sounds, it has been medically proven to reduce breast tumors in women (which are mainly estrogen related). Since Methenolone enanthate increases nitrogen retention, it’s been touted as anti-catabolic and somewhat anabolic (which can be disputed). In simple terms, it helps you keep your muscle mass while you’re dieting. That’s one of the biggest reasons it’s used on cutting cycles. Anecdotally, evidence shows that by using Methenolone enanthate during low-calorie diets (even 20-30% below your BMR), you can keep your current lean muscle while gaining new muscle tissue. Many athletes have used Methenolone enanthate for pre-contest or pre-modeling cycles and have literally gained lean mass while losing body fat. It’s necessary to say that users won’t become mass monsters by using this product, but an average 1 pound of muscle mass per week while dropping body fat isn’t too bad.
Testosterone is what could be considered quite literally the original anabolic steroid, which is manufactured endogenously naturally in all humans and in the vast majority of animal species. Because of this, Testosterone is considered the safest anabolic steroid for use, as every individual’s body is already accustomed to the effects of Testosterone only to a lesser degree.
Testosterone cypionate presents the same properties than its analog testosterone with the advantage that this molecule has a longer release rate and half-life. Administration of ester derivatives of testosterone as testosterone cypionate generates an increase in serum testosterone to levels reaching 400% from the baseline within 24 hours of administration. These androgen levels remain elevated for 3-5 days after initial administration. The continuous variation in plasma testosterone after intramuscular administration of testosterone cypionate results in fluctuations in mood and libido as well as some local inflammation.